Nov 24, 2010

How to solve canonical issue

How to solve canonical issue:-The Two method are famous for solve canonical issues.
1) htaccess file
2) Webmaster tools
.htaccess file” in order store site and also server information. With the help of the “. htaccess file”, you may set up 301 redirect. There are two types of redirects. They are simple 301 redirect, The simple direct guides the robots from an old page to the new page and permanent 301 redirect. The permanent redirect informs the search engine robots that the web page or website has moved permanently and then directs it to the new page.
301 types :-
1) Permanent 301 redirect
2) Simple 301
Webmaster tools:- in this method first we login in the google webmaster tools by google account .then click on the tool option like then put the url of ur site then click on verify button .when you click on tool option after that select preferred domain option. Then, you go to the next page and select any one of the three options. It is wise to choose the first option. Click ok button and your Canonical Problem solved