Jun 30, 2011

Dynamic and Static web site optimization

Dynamic and Static web site optimization:-
we have 2 types of Web Sites.
1) Dynamics web site.
2) Static web site.

What is Dynamic URL:-Dynamic website are websites in which webpage are created through on database generated. All the contents, links, images, footer etc appears from database.Mostlly all Business sites are dyanamics site. Examples of dynamic websites are shopping cart, ecommerce sites, news site, forums, real estate site, manufacturer & buyers sites etc.and a general exmaple is online banking sites where you can log in (by entering your user name and password) And then check your bank balance.

Mostely all dynamics Web sites are used some programming languages which are:-
CGI Scripts
Dynamic URL - http://www.on-pageseo.blogspot.com?a=seo&b=services&c=noida

What is Static URL:-A static website contains Web pages with fixed content. Each page is coded in HTML and it is displays the same information to all users. Static sites are the most basic type of website and are the easiest to create. In the static Web sites no need a database and web programming. A static site can be built by simply creating a few HTML pages.

Advantage of Static Website: Static web sites have many advantage which are
1) It is simple to create
2) It is very Cheaper comparison of dynamic website.
3) It is easy to all search Engine
4) when we create a site then we can see the preview before adding on live.
5) We can change the layout easily.

Jun 22, 2011

Different types of Server errors

There are So many types of Http code errors we can find in our day to day life..

Error code Definitional
100— Continue
101— Switching Protocols
200— OK
201— Created
202— Accepted
203— Non-Authoritative Information
204— No Content
205— Reset Content
206— Partial Content
300— Multiple Choices
301— Moved Permanently
302— Found
304— Not Modified
305— Use Proxy
307— Temporary Redirect
400— Bad Request
401— Unauthorized
402— Payment Required
403— Forbidden
404— Not Found
405— Method Not Allowed
406— Not Acceptable
407— Proxy Authentication Required
408— Request Timeout
409— Conflict
410— Gone
414— Request-URI Too Long
500— Internal Server Error
502— Bad Gateway
503— Service Unavailable
504— Gateway Timeout
505— HTTP Version Not Supported

These are some conman errors, Which are found day by day in a site

The Saturdays All Fired Up